Sunday, August 4, 2013

Illinois River

We departed MI City, IN, at 9AM for our 50 mile trip to a marina on the Illinois River.  Our route took us along the south end of Lake MI towards Chicago.  We elected not to visit downtown Chicago.  Our height of 19 feet precluded us from taking the Chicago river route which was height limited to 17 feet.  We entered the Calumet River at this breakwater.  I must admit I was glad to be off of Lake MI.
This area is very industrial for a number of miles.  Bridge after bridge both highway and railroad.  This one is a RR bridge as it remains open until a train is coming.  A siren goes off and down it comes.
This RR bridge was supposed to be open so I called them on the radio and he said he would open.
Eagle eye Debbie spotted another Island Hopper.  We have seen a few in the last 7 years.
The Illinois River had bad flooding this spring and again early Summer.  Many of the marinas in the cruising guide were damaged and not open.  Others were for small boats with no docks for Island Hopper.
This was one of the better ones but note the sunken vessel in the slip.  We moved on.
We passed this marina and turned around to take a look.  Several large boats which meant it was deep enough for us.  We proceeded slowly and pulled into an empty slip.  No one answered the radio or telephone as it was a Sunday.  A local boater walked out very nicely to take a line from Debbie.  You will see IH at the end of the dock.  In the background is a large mound, a landfill complete with methane flares and seagulls galore.  Luckily we were upwind.  This marina at mile marker 324 was Marine Services.  It has huge buildings for inside heated storage of boats primarily from Chicago I was told.  No restaurant or civilization nearby so we grilled out

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