Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Old Bahama Bay, Grand Bahama to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - The Crossing

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Island Hopper Leaving Old Bahama Bay Marina, Grand Bahama
Sunrise Over The Sea

Debbie and Kevin woke up at 6:00 AM to prepare for the crossing from the Bahamas to Florida in the gulf stream.  Island Hopper departed Old Bahama Bay Marina at 7:00 AM.  Skies were partly cloudy, Seas 3-4 and at times up to 5, with winds East 15 20 knots.  The seas were rough and and confused at times.  Luckily Island Hopper was running with the current.  This was not a day for the auto-pilot. Captain Kevin used the throttle to keep Island Hopper above the waves. At times it felt like a sleigh ride.  The deepest waters were 2,5000 feet.  This was noted on the charts, since the depth meter doesn't register until 750 feet or less.

Captain Kevin At The Helm

Island Hopper's Wake

Seas 3 -4

Confused Seas At Times

Seas 4 -5

Depth Gauge Reading 738.9 Feet

First Mate In Desperate Need Of A Pedicure

First Sighting Of The Florida Shoreline

Island Hopper arrived at Lauderdale Yacht Club at 12:30 PM after traveling 85 miles.  It feels good to be back in the U.S.  Kevin and Debbie had dinner at the Yacht Club.

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